Isabelle Razis

How to Age Well

How to Age Well

For most of the people ageing isn’t a trouble-free process. Small aches are starting, movement is made more difficult, visits to specialists are regular, retirement is not so far, body and face are starting to change, skin is softening. All this have an impact on our attitude, behavior and obviously our mood. Ageing can even be a stress generator and, in worst case scenario, it can lead to serious depression.

But this is not one way through. We can face the signs of age with acceptance, wisdom and knowledge, embracing the next chapter with no panic.

There is an approach which looks at aging as a potential development force for enhancing wellbeing, meaning and longevity instead of fearing aging as an implacable enemy (“The End of the old age” Marc E. Agronin).

As we mature, it is more than ever necessary to have the right mindset, to boost our confidence and find (new) sources of inspiration.

Ageing successfully is a challenge we should all take for ourselves and this choice should be made while still being young. Ageing better is a matter that should be taught to young people. What are the life transitions? What should one expect and accept? Is there an action plan to follow to create the most meaningful and joyful older age possible?

Feeling and naturally looking younger than our age after 40 is an option we can give ourselves once our beliefs, behaviors and expectations influence well on how we age.

Wisdom, creativity, sociability, productivity, readiness, adaptability, curiosity, knowledge are some of the many skills one need to improve to grow older nicely.
Find the physical and mental balance with tools and mechanisms can be educated to embrace our golden years gracefully.

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