Movement and physical activity improves our health … You know this .. and I know you know. But I am telling you again!
Often, it seems impossible to do it. Maybe you put the barrier too high, and you set goals that are over your temperament. Focus on the movement that suits you better, that is aligned with your authenticity and gives you real joy. By doing so, you will essentially improve your quality of life. How many times did you decide to start running, to get a membership at the gym club with your bestie or to include yoga in your life, but, you didn’t keep it more than two weeks? Don’t be disappointed, there is always a way to move with ease and with pleasure. Focus on the movement and don’t consider that physical activity is all or nothing!
What are the alternatives then?
Non-exercise thermogenesis, or simply ΝΕΑΤ. According to the specialists, the advantages of physical activity are more significant when it is not structured, and it is simply integrated into your daily life. NEAT is all the energy you consume while not eating, not sleeping and not having structured physical activity. Simply said, it is all about the calories you burn while get moving outside a gym area. Studies have revealed that with simple daily activities, you can burn more calories and keep your ideal weight -even lose weight. Often, when you burn yourself out at the gym or by running, you tend to spend the rest of the day laying on the couch or sitting at your desk while trying to regain your forces. On the contrary, when you don’t consume yourself with stressful workouts, you have more energy to move at home or at work, to walk to your place of work or park your car further away from your destination.
– So start your day with 5-10 minutes of simple yoga or stretching exercises. Or, as an alternative, do regular breaks from work and stretch yourself.
– Instead of having a cigarette break, do some strength exercises.
– Instead of taking the elevator, walk up the stairs, get off the metro a few stations earlier.
– Have specific goals counting your steps (a 10,000 daily step goal is considered to be reasonable for most healthy adults) with simple applications on your phone.
– Take walking meetings at work instead of regular office meetings and more generally, find opportunities to increase your activity and movement time while working.
– Stand and walk while talking on the phone.
– Take a revolving chair -your back and abdominals will be engaged.
– Dance at home in front of your mirror.
– Do some gardening and take care of your plants on your terrace or your garden.
– While cooking and waiting above your cooker, just have some squats done.
– Do some standing calf raises while brushing your teeth!
You will have succeeded to add movement in your life by playing with your imagination; it is a matter of getting in the right mindset. Day by day will regain your energy, and your state of mind will be positive.
Get going and move your body – you will see the difference!
This article was written by Isabelle Razis and was originally published on in Greek