Isabelle Razis

“Morning Pages” A Tool for Creative Personal Development

Writing is a powerful way to create space between your thoughts and actions and spark creativity. The Author Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages in “The Artist’s Way” explains how by practising the “Morning Pages” or the “early morning stream of conscious writing”, as she mentions, we can positively clear our minds and call in inspiration and focus. 

I personally discovered the practice of “Morning Pages” during the 1st lockdown. It helped me realize my proper interior dysfunctions and take focused action, which transformed, to a large degree, my emotional health’s state. In that way, from time to time, when I feel a little bit fragile, my “Morning Pages” practice is one of the first tools that I use… 

I recommend you try them as well, and I hope that the guidance below will help you in that direction. 

There is a time every morning when we are half awake, half asleep and not quite fully conscious, this time when we still feel a bit lethargic. Right? It is precisely at those moments that we have access to our unconscious mind and our inner workings. A few moments later, it will be gone without a trace. Listening to these tender morning wisps allows you to reach into your inner world, the deeper part of yourselves that guides you smoothly to the path of transformation towards authenticity. 

The Morning Pages capture this condition creatively. They open your eyes and magically face you before your feelings, even those that you don’t dare to uncover when you are entirely awake. 

From the night before, keep a journal and a pen by your bed. You may prefer to choose another comfortable place at home. Just make sure you will not be disturbed or interrupted. The critical part here is not to let too much time between the moment you open your eyes and start writing. Try to remain in this half awake, half asleep condition and .. instead of grabbing your phone, quickly grab your journal. You may begin by writing down any memories you may have of your dreams. Remember: this is your personal moment with yourself and the words that pop out from your head, and as simple as that, you are supposed to depict them freely on a piece of paper. At first, there may be nothing or simply little recollections, but as you do this over and over, you will build the muscle. You’ll send a powerful message to your brain: I am prepared to accept my unconscious thoughts and feelings, and I get that more and more will be revealed. You will develop a deep, direct relationship with your inner self. 

Next, write 10 things you are grateful for from yesterday. Often, your mind would focus on everything that’s not going well. Your mind quickly forgets that you have great friends, a place to live, plenty of food to eat, access to education, a job and freedom. Take time for thanksgiving and appreciating what went well yesterday.

Next comes stream of consciousness writing. Write for at least a page, maybe two. Write whatever crosses your mind. Nothing is too petty, too wrong or too silly to write down. Nobody will be reading this, so write it all. No censoring. You will be amazed at what comes out of your sweet, innocent mind. Write quickly or write slowly. Find a pace that works for you. All the angry, ugly stuff that you write in the morning would otherwise stand in the way of you being your best you. By doing early Morning Pages, you get all those repressed thoughts out of your system so you can live your life and realize that you are not your mind and you are not your thoughts. They aren’t determinants of your life, and your life is a flow, with good and evil, towards Wholehearted Life that you deserve to live without shame, as Brené Brown also develops in her book “The Gifts of Imperfection”. 

During the process, watch your breath. Watch your mind. It’s like a meditation. Be still, and just let it all pass from your mind onto the paper.

The Morning Pages:

  • is a source of inspiration and help for greater clarity, creativity, and productivity;
  • help you express your negative feelings and emotions and connect with your inner truth (including your fears);
  • provide space for you to connect with your authentic voice – including the fears and doubts that hold you back;
  • decrease stress and offer a sense of relief; and
  • help you be present with where you are now, where you want to be, and how to get there.


Get the most out of writing your Morning Pages and set yourself free! 

This article was originally written by Isabelle Razis in Greek and published in